Archive for June, 2009

How Mommy Mixer Saved Me

mommymixerAs a work from  home mom I count on a few things to make me successful: 1) my mad business skills, 2) a qualified preschool for my daughter, and 3) a loving, responsible person to care for my toddler son. I had #1 and #2 covered but back in April I was struggling with finding #3: a great babysitter for my son. Allison invited me to attend a Mommy Mixer she was hosting at Bloom and now I have not one but THREE wonderful, caring, responsible babysitters for my baby boy.

I wrote about the details of what to expect at a Mommy Mixer. But now, after using the sitters I met there, I can wholeheartedly recommend Mommy Mixers to my friends and family and you!

The three young ladies I contacted following the mixer came over to our house (separately, of course) for in-depth interviews and to meet the kids. Although the hired babysitter would be taking care of my son most of the time there would be times that his sister would be with them too. I needed to make sure that both kids liked and respected the sitter I chose.

All three women are either in college or have recently graduated. I hired all three of them because their schedules vary, as does mine, and having three people I can count on prevents situations where I might get caught without babysitting help. In the last two months all three sitters have been on time, responsible and great with my kids. I expected one or two to flake out on me every now and then because that was the experience I’d had with other sitters in the past, but so far that hasn’t happened. They truly understand that I need them to be responsible and here when I ask them to be.

So thanks, Mommy Mixer, for finding these great young women on our local college campuses. You’ve got a great method for recruiting top-quality babysitters. And that’s why I’ll keep recommending you to everyone I know who’s looking for babysitting help.

Bloom Maternity is hosting another Mommy Mixer on Tuesday, July 7th at 6:30 p.m. For more information and to register to attend please contact Allison. You can also read my detailed review of Mommy Mixer and visit the main Mommy Mixer web site for more information.

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Summer means swimming. And stress.

swimming-w-kidsWhen you think of summer and children your mind automatically drifts to the beach. But if you live in a landlocked town like us, your next logical thought is of swimming pools.

I spent many wonderful summers during my childhood at our neighborhood pool which was just six houses down from where we lived. My seven-year-old sister and I (nine at the time) had to pass a swimming test so we could be at the pool by ourselves. We both did and that, along with being watched over by lifeguards, gave our parents the peace of mind that we could handle being at the pool for long stretches each day by ourselves. Of course this was during the 1980s when times were simpler (or seem so now, looking back).

Now that I’m a parent myself I CANNOT imagine leaving my kids at a pool alone. Heck, when I’m at the pool with them I’m almost constantly stressed out. Sure, I love watching them discover the fun of the water and how to blow bubbles. But they’re young and can’t swim yet. So I usually spend the time we’re at the pool on constant watch, trying to keep my 18-month old from slipping under the water and my four-year-old from doing the same or, at least, from splashing other kids in the face. I’m confining our swim play to the baby pool for now. Only an octopus could handle my two babes in a regular-sized, 5-ft deep swimming pool without the possibility of one of them drowning.

So, for now, my childhood memories of the fun and freedom I felt while swimming will have to sustain me for a few years. At least until my kids are old enough to swim and be safe in the water all on their own. I remind myself that one day, in the not-too-distant future, I’ll get to join the ranks of mommies reading books and relaxing by the side of the pool while their kids swim and play nearby. These days I’m really looking forward to that kind of small freedom.

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Supergoop! Sun Protection for the Whole Family

For those of you that don’t know me, my husband or our children, we are the fairest of fair. All blondies and blue eyes. Our son is translucent. Our daughter can tan but it takes months!! Just like her mama. Sunscreen is a MUST for us – everyday – no matter what. Plus, skin cancer is prevalent in my husbands family. As Dr. T says, “90% of lifetime sun damage occurs during incidental daily exposure. Whether walking outside, or just driving in the car, damage from UV rays is cumulative throughout your life.”

So who better to blog about their love of Supergoop than me…..

With Vitamins A, C, & E SPF 30 Organic Protection for the Entire Family

With Vitamins A, C, & E SPF 30 Organic Protection for the Entire Family

Supergoop!! Top 10 Reasons my family loves it….

  1. It stays on for a long time. I do reapply about every 2 hours if we have been sweating or swimming.
  2. A little goes a long way. I have had the same Super Small Pump since Spring Break and there is plenty left in the bottle.
  3. It is a great moisturizer. Our youngest has eczema so he needs a sunscreen that will moisturize. I leave it on his chest of drawers and use it on him everyday. He knows the difference between regular sunscreen and Supergoop!
  4. Quickstick rocks! It is my new favorite. I use it mainly on there little faces, but I caught myself using it on my chest the other day when I was out in the sun. I keep one in my purse as well as in our pool bag.
  5. It’s organic!
  6. No sticky, smelly concoctions – it’s the real thing. It glides on, just like a regular light-weight moisturizer. I also use on my face and it doesn’t clog pores.
  7. No parabens.
  8. It absorbs really quickly which is perfect for applying on squirmy 4 and 5 1/2 year old bodies ready to explore the world.
  9. The Super Spray is a 5 oz. REFILLABLE spray – so I buy the 15oz. Super Small Pump and a Super Spray Pump and refill, baby! One more way Dr. T’s is Eco-Friendly.
  10. Shop Texas!!! Dr. T’s is produced in Dallas, but the founder and CEO of the company lives in San Antonio. Oh yeah, and she’s a woman!!

Ready to give Supergoop! a try? Let’s go shopping – and to sweeten the deal, the shipping is on us! Just type in “supergoop” in the coupon code when you check out!

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Motherhood vs. Work – Does everyone feel the pain?

Career_TheUltimateJugglingActIt’s something that’s been on my mind a lot lately: motherhood vs. work. Can you really have it all?

When I started my own business after working just a few hours a week for a previous employer, my role as mother shifted. Of course I was still mommy and I continued to do my fair share of diaper changes, late night feedings, giving baths, handling bedtime, playing games and tending to boo boos (no matter how hard or how long I work at my job I’ll always be a mom!). But I became a working woman again too and by the very nature of that, I started seeing my children less.

My work hours extended from 10 a week to 40+. That meant my daughter started spending more time at preschool and her brother met several new babysitters. And while I was confident in the care they were receiving and I was thrilled with my  new professional life and growing business, I still felt the mama guilt seep in.

Of course, I’m not the first mama who’s wondered if she’s doing the right thing by trying to have it all. Celebrity Baby Blog recently ran a story about actress Jane Kaczmarek, a mother of three, whose career took off just as she was starting her family. Although she was thrilled with her professional success she conceeded that the long hours she worked and the times she went days without seeing her children were very difficult. She recently arranged her schedule so she works much less than she did before and now she’s able to spend quantity and quality time with her kids.

I’m on the opposite end of where Jane is right now. My kids are young and my business is too. Providing the nurturing needed by both my kids and my business is a balancing act I have yet to perfect. Truth be told, I’m the one who ends up suffering. My children are my priority so I make sure to spend plenty of time with them. But my business and the commitment I’ve made to my clients is obviously important too. I often work long hours, late into the night, to be sure I get everything done.

It can be tough. My life is super busy these days. But I also find it invigorating to work hard at both motherhood and business and “have it all,” as long as I remember that sleep isn’t included in the “all.”

[photo credit: Sam’s Club]

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Daily Tea – Clothing for Boys and Girls (3m-5T) ON SALE!

Daily Tea; Mix-n-Match Knit Wear for Boys and Girls

Daily Tea; Mix-n-Match Knit Wear for Boys and Girls

Daily Tea is adorable knit wear for boys and girls. Nothing is priced over $30. Purchase 6 pieces and it creates 9 outfits. This is the perfect clothing for summer and back to school! Daily Tea is marked down 30%. Take advantage of these great markdowns and stock up on kids clothing now!

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